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I have a dream.


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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #90 on: April 02, 2010, 07:26:30 pm »
^ You're dreaming most every night, you just don't remember it. One thing you can do is to spend about 10 minutes thinking about what your last dream was immediately when you wake up, as in before you even get out of bed. Dreams are kind of like short-term memory in that if you don't think about them continuously for a little bit, consider them lost.

Lucid dreaming is the act of being aware that one is dreaming during the dream itself. With a bit of practice, one can take the reins and control the dream upon realizing this. There are people who claim it's spiritually good, or something, but other people (like myself) instead realize that there's something inherently awesome about living in a world of your own design for a few minutes, particularly as you get better at forming your own dreams and start to alter the setting, the characters, the time... hell, altering yourself, since humanity is so overrated. It all starts with actually remembering what you dream about, though, or you'll forget anything epic.
No, that is not a insult to the site's furries, stop reading into things that deeply.

I made a pretty long post on it here, but it only scratches the surface. I'd say to look into a few sites about it, such as DreamViews and LD4All. Most of the sites have a dreamy theme to them, but as long as you don't find one that relates it to some new-age garbage, it's probably legit enough.

As an aside, my current goals are totally transformation-related... I learned about lucid dreaming through the NiGHTS games, so most people's primary lucid goal of flying has always come to me pretty naturally.~
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<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #91 on: April 02, 2010, 11:02:15 pm »
Dreams tend to be like stories for me. They can feature only a scene, or have as much content as a short story. I have quite a few friends that only remember dreaming about three times their entire life, while I dream rather frequently and in-depth (while remembering vivid details upon awakening, thankfully).

What I've discovered over the past few years, (maybe even longer?) is that I've been taking the map of my town, and skewing it. The layout of the town is what I mean by "skewed" - it's not an exact copy of my irl town, but some important landmarks remain. There's a strange continuity in these town-based dreams: The map is always the same, and every time I dream in this representation of my town, something bad/creepy/nightmarish happens. I hate to sound so absolute, but I cannot remember a time where a quasi-nightmare didn't occur.

I was freaked out initially, because these "Creepy Town" dreams- as I've been affectionately referring to them- would occur in spurts. I'd dream up quasi-nightmares with a frightening regularity for some period of time, then none at all.
I've gotten used to the routine of them occurring, but the content still jars me when I wake up. If I can remember a portion of the dream upon waking, I'll do what I can to record it immediately, trying to salvage any stream of consciousness possible.
Recently, I have been getting these Creepy Town dreams again, near nightly. I'm honestly not sure what triggers them, or why I've consistently dreamed up terrible things based in my town. I'm also unsure if this theme has happened to anyone else. If this piques anyone's interest, I can recall a few of these dreams, or further elaborate.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #92 on: April 06, 2010, 06:14:13 am »
I have a dream...........cast :P
I have around 20 consoles, 100's of games, sonic and tails tattoos and a real geek when it comes to games within my knowledge. I even play video game music on my keyboard such as Sonic, Tetris, Marble Madness and more. and oh yeah...... I'M A TRANSSEXUAL!

Offline Azure

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #93 on: April 10, 2010, 05:46:38 am »
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I just achieved my first lucid dream!

All right, so here's what happened (about an hour ago; I just woke up):

I was dreaming about a robbery. Nothing special, so when it got resolved, I didn't really care. Then, I noticed a clock in the dream. I thought: "Oh man, what time is it? Am I going to miss track practice in the morning?"

..."In the morning?"

At that point, I realized I was dreaming. The dream commenced to fade out and then a weird tingly sensation ran through my entire body (I DON'T CARE IF THIS IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, IT DID TO ME!!! haha :D). Then, absently remembering this TSC forum topic, I tried to make the dream come back. The picture faded in (it was very weird... it seemed to have a 16:9 aspect ratio and my head was fullscreen. No joke. There were black bars at the top and bottom of my head.) Anyway, it was a series of random images and scenes flashing through my mind. I thought, "Okay, I'm dreaming, and I know I'm dreaming, does this mean I can control the dream?"

Indeed it did. Whatever I wanted to picture in this stream of random stuff, it appeared, and it would remain at center stage until I stopped thinking about it, and then the random stream of stuff would commence again.

Some things puzzled me, though. For example, I wanted to see one of my friends in my dream. They appeared promptly, but they were wearing glasses, where in reality they never had. Other slight oddities happened as well, for example, the color of clothes people were wearing was different than I thought it should be. Other inconsistencies like this.

Other than that, it was a very awesome experience with lucid dreaming, and I intend to try it again. Any thoughts, comments, ways to get an actual setting in my dream as opposed to random clips?

Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #94 on: April 18, 2010, 11:17:24 am »
I also had a lucid dream again today, however I think I... broke it.
Once I realised that I was dreaming I got drunk on power and laughed manically because I was so indulged in the limitless control I now wielded. But then...

...I started to question whether what I was experiencing was really a lucid dream. I asked myself if me being in control was just an illusion of the dream which was merely making me believe I was in control while still orchestrating its course, or if I truly was aware and the master of my own actions. I was at the verge of waking up and even opened my eyes a bit already but being lucid I halted this process of waking up and ensured the dream would continue, shutting my eyes again from within the dream and again laughing madly at what godly power I possessed.

Then I ended up in some weird state of semi-sleep where I could hear my parents retuning and was already thinking consciously again but was still kinda asleep and didn't want to open my eyes or move (although I could have, it was not sleep paralysis).

I questioned my self-determination and my free will while dreaming in a dream. gg.
On the other hand this draws me even closer to Buddhism now as this was I experienced non-duality (I was dreaming I had a free will and thus did not have a free will, but at the same time I did have a free will and was using it to control the dream) this way in a unique way.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 04:13:02 pm by P.P.A. »

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Re: I has a dream.
« Reply #95 on: April 22, 2010, 04:26:01 pm »
Shouldn't this topic's title be "I has a dream"?
Let me tell you something about the human race. You put a mysterious blue box slap-bang in the middle of town, whadda you do? Walk past it.

"When you're going through hell, keep going." -- Winston Churchill

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #96 on: April 25, 2010, 02:44:16 am »
I dream I was playing Magic: the Gathering at the next PTQ and then won it. Surprisingly enough, most of the decks I played against were legit decks I'd probably see at a PTQ, and I was using my own deck, and I won due to overall decent draws and good plays.

Offline Werey

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #97 on: May 20, 2013, 03:05:13 pm »
Werey the necromancer.

Seriously though I want to revive this topic. Danieldude, Thorn and I usually end up talking about our dreams when we're all active and I know Thorn actively records his dreams so I just thought maybe we could share them on the forum again.

I'll update this post next time I remember a dream!

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #98 on: May 26, 2013, 03:33:53 pm »
Last night I had 2 distinctive Dreams. I was asleep for a very long time so I kept waking up.

Anyway the first one started out as me playing a video game where I was on a Metal Harbour style aircraft carrier and I had to jump around these cargo holds and get to the end of it which was the end of the level.
By the time I got there, everything had changed. I was now first person in the level.
It got even weirder, there was now, at the start of an aircraft carrier a nuclear bomb that would go off and I found a key to an escape rocket that I could use (already full of people) at the end. I then found myself crawling up a cliff face to where the rocket moved to, and sacrificed myself for somebody else to get into the rocket.
As the nuclear blast was approaching the rocket I was just sat in a ball with another person on the edge of the cliff waiting for my demise. Next thing I knew he found a way "forward" which was almost like we stepped into a whole different biome like minecraft and there was a sandstorm there. Anyway he dragged me in there and we both survived the nuke blast and we looked out from the sandstorm and it seemed the blast stopped exactly where the edge of the sandstorm was. After that we found ourselves hostage by some Heel (bad guy) wrestlers and the dream ended. It was bloody weird.

Second one was just strange.

I was working at Achievement Hunter and we were ready to record this weeks version of their weekly show "Vs" where they compete 1 on 1 over a replica WWE belt they have. Anyway, I was the challenger of the game and I picked Sonic Adventure 2 Battle multiplayer mode. This was so weird. I lost the first match of green forest as for some strange reason it took me 6 minutes to beat the entire stage. The next stage was also of Green Forest but it was more of an Act 2 and I found myself winning this one. Then there were just 2 Hunting stages where Ray had chose Hyper KNuckles and I used a recolour of Knuckles myself. I then won both of these, and in one of the stages we were trying to find the pieces (first to 3 pieces) while running away from a larger version of eggmans mech from the same game. In the end I recieved my WWE belt and the dream ended. WTF.

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.

Offline SqwareEcks

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #99 on: May 27, 2013, 01:55:22 am »
My dreams suck. I almost never have ones that I can remember, and when I do they're bizarre and unfulfilling. Kind of like my life.

I do have a recurring dream I've probably had at least five times. When I say "recurring" I don't mean frequently, though; I maybe have it once a year. It's never exactly the same, but it's always similar: It involves me at an airport, on my way to catch a flight. The airport is never the same place twice, or in the same location, and as far as I can remember it doesn't correspond to any real life airports I've been to. Anyway, I'm going there to catch a flight, but for whatever reason I never get off the ground. Usually I wake up before I even reach the gate, although once I've made it into the jetway and once onto the plane, but I woke up before it took off. Maybe it's my brain creating a metaphor for the way some things in my life turned out. I almost was in a band, almost got my dream job, almost got engaged, almost had a published speedrun :\

I had a dream last night that I did remember; I was playing Ocarina of Time, but I was actually IN the game as opposed to watching it on a TV screen. Anyway, I was in the Forest Temple, during the Phantom Ganon fight, but somehow after I'd hit him a few times he got his horse back and started jumping into the paintings again even though that should be impossible. I kept shooting him every time he came out, but it didn't seem to kill him and I was running out of arrows and starting to get frantic. I tried switching to hitting him with the hookshot, but I never bothered to practice it because I've always used the bow. So I was missing again and again because I was trying to make sure I was in a spot where the six-point lightning wouldn't hit me and that meant I couldn't get a straight-on shot at him. Finally one time I got out of position, I heard that high-pitched whirring sound of him materializing out of one of the paintings off to the side, and I knew I was about to get nailed with the lightning, and right at that moment I woke up. Maybe it would be called a nightmare...?

One other thing happened to me today that was related to my dreams. I was extracting a bunch of MMD stages I'd downloaded, and loading them up to see what they looked like. A long, long time ago--probably ten years ago--I'd had a dream that always stuck with me; I was on a desolate stretch of road, in the middle of nowhere, no one around but me. The road was on a kind of causeway that cut through the middle of a large pond or small lake; it was a paved two-way highway that curved gently to the left, and the surrounding area was rather hilly. It wasn't anywhere I've ever been to IRL. It was fairly early in the morning, but very sunny; I was jogging on this road, and I was going fast. Not quite Sonic-fast, but around 30-40 mph, definitely far faster than I could run normally. It didn't last very long, but the imagery stuck with me, it was very peaceful and serene.

Anyway, I opened up and loaded one of these stages I'd downloaded and almost fell out of my chair. It looked almost exactly like the scene in my dream. There were a few differences (four lanes instead of two, no water surrounding the road although the color of the ground looks very similar) but the shape of the road and the topography surrounding it were dead ringers. I read the stage maker's notes and he said he based it on a highway in Hokkaido in northern Japan. I don't know if this would be called deja vu if it's years after the fact, but it's a crazy coincidence to say the least. This is what it looked like:
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2013, 10:56:29 am »
Reading that post gave me a Creepypasta feel. Those are realling interesting.
Reminds me about The Walking Dead continuation dreams I had every week when the Second half of Season 3 was airing. I'd get them every night or 2 after the episodes aired and it'd be constantly moving on. Was so weird.

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #101 on: June 04, 2013, 05:33:02 pm »
Here's my take: my dreams are generally straightforward and short, and also nearly all of them are related to girls, and they are sort of predictive to me (i can elaborate that in another post if there's interest). But 2 nights ago I had a particularly different dream, longer (roughly 10 minutes) and very detailed. I wrote anything I could remember the moment I woke up (thanks Gamepro011 for saving it for me since I was on my phone).

It all started with me apparently at home, where I found myself in my bedroom. there were also my dad and my boss, and the two were talking random stuff, I've shown something (that probably had to do with my job) to them as well. soon afterwards, I found myself in a place that were just like my IRL workplace (an electronics lab), but it definitely wasn't the same place because it was bigger. then, I realized that my workmates (some of them actually were from my previous jobs as well) started leaving the place, one on one, until it got empty. However I didn't get surprised by that. Then I walked onto another section of the lab, and saw one of my (currently IRL) workmates, whose name is Kleber, and he was welding some sort of iron/steel device. afterwards I walked back to the main lab, but then nobody was in there and the lights of the whole place went out. I exited the lab and went to the streets to search for my workmates, however I started running at mach speed (like in Sonic 06), and apparently would never get tired of that. but then, from the streets I ended up running in an area that looked just like... Planet Wisp (without any machinery though), with loops and stuff.From that area I ran into a field that looked a bit like the baseball field I trained for years, and then back to the streets, still running at mach speed. then I ended up in an unfinished house (or building since I had to climb a staircase). however there was all the regular stuff a house normally has like a stove, a refrigerator, etc. even the lighting was ok (though in unfinished state as well, with the wiring mostly exposed). I walked to the bedroom (unfinished as well) and in the bed there was no one but Andressa, my ex gf. She was apparently sleeping so I didn't approach her. but as soon as I turned my back, she woke up:

Andressa: Oh, what's up, Matheus? (she always called me this way)
Me: It has, uh... nothing to do with you. See ya. *sailor-like goodbye waving*

And then I exited the house/building.
I ran (at mach speed) back to the lab but this time through the streets only
As I got back to the lab, all of my workmates started getting back, but they all were completely drunk. I then walked into the main area of the lab and that's the last thing I remember.

Now some extra details:
1. The device Kleber was welding had a manometer in it.
2. Just before I exited the lab, I found some potato chips and ate some of them.
3. There was a frying pan with some sausage in it on the stove in the unfinished house/building, and it was still hot and steaming.

That's all

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #102 on: June 04, 2013, 06:54:58 pm »
MY dream last night... I won't go into detail just yet because i can't be arsed.
But the general themes were
At first, it started out where I was back at school being bullied again. I found out I had super strength (I was a Saijan, but couldn't fly yet.) SO I started beating the shit out of kids.
Then it got interesting it turned into a zombie apocalypse... without the zombies. A group of us migrated to this area then I had to save them, bla bla.
We made it to this city a bit like Woodbury from TWD and I met wrestlers, more saijans (my friend was the strongest guy there), Spiderman and Super Sonic.
The police started going insane then I became notorious for beating the shit out of the corrupt cops and they spent alot of their time trying to capture me and evicting me from the city. Because of my power and my friends power, we both kept saying "you'll regret this"
The dream advanced where it was just normal everyday life then the wrestlers turned up and the city seemed much better. THe cops were still after me but they knew they couldn't touch me so they didn't come near me.
There was a lot of filler like just interacting with the heroes etc then the main plot of the story came in the last hour.
Turns out the cops were bringing in sandbags... which ccreated the birth of the Sandman. Then Spiderman and I became the main story components.
All of my friends were scared for shit for their lives and I promised them I'd do everything in my power to save them.
The scene was gloomy and bright at the same time as it was raining, and the city started to crumble in certain areas.
The part came where Spiderman and I had to meet Sandman in an office to discuss wtf he was going to do.
As spiderman, my friend and myself were sitting in there, he sprinkled his sand over my arm, which then proceeded to tell me I would turn in 20 minutes. I was outraged Spiderman did nothing about this and threw a chair at him and walked out.
Then began an emotional journey back through the city, visiting certain friends saying nothing at all as to not scare them.
I met back up with some friends I promised I'd go find after this ordeal was over, and they were having a party (turns out, it was for me).
I was really getting emotional then, and I only had 10 minutes left. People still didn't understand and spiderman came back down, apparently defeating sandman and had an antidote. Being the asshole I was at the start, I didn't accept it because I didn't deserve it and wanted to accept my fate (all while crying). People were shocked of my hands transforming to sand then tried to convince me to take the formula... Then the dream ended.
So weird, I've left out alot of detail but this was quite possibly the COOLEST dream I've ever had in my entire life.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #103 on: June 06, 2013, 04:37:21 pm »
Oh dear did I have an eventful Dream last night.
Not only was it Good/Upsetting, it had a recurring theme from the other night. The exact same 2 people in the dream I was close with, again.

It started as a normal day out after finishing college early with one of my friends. Just messing about in town as usual. We decided there was nothing to do so to go get a meal. He went into weather-spoons because he had ID, but I didn't so we split ways and I decided to walk home. I went to the busstop where I met douchebags from school and a kid they always used to bully. This went on for about 5 minutes before I realized the bus had already left and the next one wasn't for half hour. I walked back into town, and for some reason I was in somebodies apart.
A guy and a girl, from my previous dream which I seemed to be AMAZING friends with that I was seemed to be staying with for the night. So anyway the girl goes out for a bit when the guy stays in. What I didn't realise was that he had my phone and I found out later he'd been looking through it. They both confronted me later on about something they'd learned from one of my facebook friends that was revolting, but I never did. THis lead to a massive arguement of "You did, I did not's" then in the end I thought it'd be better to just leave their house and be done with it. So I wanted to leave, but the guy had stolen my bus money during the arguement and that started another one until the girl intervened and gave it me back. I was about to leave and forgot I never had my jacket. The girl had ironed me one asif to say sorry for the arguements (lol Sexism) and I was about to be on my way when they both decided to come with me and at this point the girl started to develop feelings for me (as I already liked her, feeling was mutual).

Next thing, the dream progressed to the bus. We were all on the bus, aswell as another set of douchebags from school I used to have to deal with, when we get to this crossroads, the bus stops and a lady storms out. She appeared to be pregnant, but people kept pouring out the bus, and so did I and as I did my hayfever kicked in so I couldn't do anything and then when I was okay I found the guy and the girl arguing about what appeared to me so I stepped in to calm the fuse.
They were arguing about how the girl always defended me even while back at the apartment and he thought she was going to leave him. The arguement got so heated he hit her and I got so angry I went towards him, he was clearly shocked and sorry for what he had done but I backed down as I saw him coming towards me. I fell on the floor and he then lay into me. One of my best friends came along and beat the shit out of him  and the girl helped me back to my feet. We somehow managed to reconcile and were walking to a location where a taxi was due to pick us up, hands around each others shoulders, but the guy stormed off once again.

Next scene, we were in the taxi. (Note, an occuring theme around us while in vehicles was crashing cars.)
We were driving back through where the Bus had stopped to find out the area was completely wiped out. Bodies everywhere, and a broken and battered Bus shell, as if somebody set a flame thrower to it.
We were driving down through a familiar area of Derby we used to go when I was a child (IRL) and the Taxi driver asked to confirm where it was that I lived. I told him, turns out we were 2 corners from the street I lived on.
The girl had her arm around mine, and the guy was getting worse and worse. As we approached the street I live on I muttered "Well, atleast there hasn't been anymore crashes". Which was when a bunch of cars started to crash and we got out the car. As we did, I had no clue if the girl had made it the guy was trapped in the car and I ran back in to save him, as the driver tried to convince me not to. Unfortunatly the car had already been crashed into by another car, which had now started to leak gas (In a cinematic view, not from my eyes) and there was a baby inside. I wanted to save that too, but the dream suddenly cut back to a third person view of the girl and myself saving the baby. Next thing was I found out this was some High profile street race going on down my street, so the girl and myself started running back to my house as she shouted "40 seconds". I don't know what happened, but she was then on a bike with someone else on their way to my house as I was running behind. I just kept running, and saw more and more race cars drive by then I glanced behind me, there was a massive timer there that wasn't before "3" then I saw a giant dump truck drive by. I was right next to my gate and I heard a "0" as I entered. a giant nuclear explosion went off JUST as I got to my open door which I slammed shut. We were all safe. Then the dream ended.
I know, I'm bad at writing and it looks amatuerish (because it is) but I purposely left out details I knew I couldn't explain. In my head, I thought it was a real occurence and it was a very emotional dream.
It's weird to think the guy and the girl were in both of my dreams posted in this topic and how I formed a very close relationship with the girl also... I wonder if it's trying to tell me something. It's really freaky.

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.


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